IVC Trademark Approved
Updated 9/15/2015 - Published!!!!!!
TradeMark / TM / R... IVC is now approved. It makes me smile and gets me thinking about it and where it all started from nearly 10 years ago with a few hundred dollars and a dream of never working for anyone again, I had grown tired of the "system", from "trying out college" to the Army to "trying out college" to the corporate monotony and the illusion of working harder & longer, for less pay and with no "inspiration" to do whatever the job was. Now I work Harder & Longer but you couldn't pay me to do anything else. There are certain things in business (and in Life) that you should do when you reach a certain level of success & also to protect your intellectual property or brand or ideas. Unfortunately humans don't play nice all the time or something. You have to have the vision to see the things that are important and know when to do certain things or pursue opportunity. There is a balance to it all, or so I am told, I have yet to find that groove that allows my mind to be still long enough, its always going, downloading information, finding new ways to market and create and take things to another level. My own beautiful madness lead by certain esoteric spiritual insights and my own intuition with an amazing daughter who I want to have opportunity and my amazing partner in this crazy life who is slowly, teaching me to find that balance...this is what its all about, focus, drive, support. Love. Its the key to happiness, that and a zero tolerance policy on B.S., life is easier without it ∞ back to work, so much to do now! Have a geat day! Mike
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