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An Introduction to Sacred Geometry

Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy

A Guest Article by Mimosa’s Own Cathy Douglas for Love & Light School

love and light sacred geometry





A note from Cathy about the following article:

Sacred Geometry is an extremely complicated, detailed subject that’s hard to deal with in an article of any kind of reasonable length. To be honest, researching it made me feel like my left brain was jousting with my right brain with both ending up de-horsed on the ground.

Hopefully the information below will explain enough about forms and their symbolism to help you put sacred geometry to use in your everyday life: for meditation, making crystal grids, sacred art, etc. If you really want to get into detail into the theory behind all this, you might want to check out The Sacred Geometry Movie from Spirit Science.

Just as mathematics is the foundation of all science, a special kind of math is the foundation of all metaphysics. Sacred geometry springs from the examination of patterns and relationships found in nature. On the surface that may sound a little dry, but when we look at how basic lines and curves come together to form the universe, it’s like taking a wonderful look into the mind of creation. Because while all matter is made from elements, it’s the patterns that gives matter form, purpose, and astounding diversity.

Calcite, aragonite and seashells are made of the same thing: calcium carbonate (CaCO3) The earth forms this material into calcite, usually in squarish blocks, directly through geological processes.

Sea creatures also take up CaCO3 and, and with the help of patterns recorded in their DNA, they reform it into shells. Eventually these shells decompose, returning their the CaCO3 to earth as aragonite, a mineral with its own distinctive shapes.

So aragonite and calcite are the exact same material, but each has its own unique structure. In other words, the first three images are all the same substance; only the pattern is different.


Flower of Life

The Fibonacci spiral and many other forms and patterns we talk about in sacred geometry arise from the Flower of Life, which is seen as the basis for all other patterns in the universe. The study of sacred geometry begins by drawing circles:

Two intersecting circles form the vesica piscis, seen also in chalice well symbol.


Where three spheres intersect, we see the triquetra, a symbol of sacred trinities.

The seed of life is also called the genesis pattern, where six intersecting circles signify the six stages of creation.

The egg of life takes this into three dimensions. The eight non-intersecting spheres, and can represent the cell division of an embryo.

The flower of life is 19 intersecting circles within the boundary of a larger circle. It’s said that all patterns can be found within it.


In Metatron’s cube, lines connecting the centers of the circles in the fruit of life. The lines represent masculine energy and the circles feminine energy, so that this pattern combines polarities into a unified creation.

Obviously, these patterns are closely related, becoming more complex as we draw new connections. We start with two circles, then three, and so on, watching how these circles intersect and relate. New combinations of circles, lines, and three-dimensional images continue to evolve, and with each evolution we gain new insights.

Three-dimensional shapes arises

Continuing the process, eventually a significant set of three-dimensional shapes arises: the platonic solids. Platonic solids are 3-dimensional shapes in which:

  1. all faces are the same
  2. all edges are the same length
  3. all angles are the same
  4. if the figure were put inside a sphere, all vertices would touch the sphere.

Another way of looking at these shapes is that they all arise from the cube, when it is truncated in various ways. Thus the cube is the Father of all forms, while the sphere is the Mother of all forms. These shapes are the building blocks of everything from crystal formation to music to organic life.


The vector equilibrium is a three-dimensional shape constructed with triangles and cubes. It’s sometimes called the “perfect shape” because every corner is exactly the same distance from all the other corners. This very stable shape is the basis of a three-dimensional rendering of the flower of life.

Pyramids have amazing preserving and energizing properties, because the pyramid is such an efficient amplifier. By focusing universal energy, it increases the vibrational field of whatever is placed inside it with intention — even intangible things like hopes. This effect is can be enhanced by the pyramid’s material, color and other properties.

The merkaba is the intersection of two tetrahedrons. The one pointing downward brings up earth energy, while the one pointing upward channels universal energy into the human plane. A person within this energy field will experience the confluence of both types of energy. While the chakras can be seen as an energy system within the body, the merkaba represents an energy system outside it.

The name is said to combine three Egyptian words: mer = rotating fields of light; ka = spirit (the intangible part of human life); ba = soul (the sum of all it means to be human)

Learn more about Sacred Geometry and Crystals!


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Leslie - June 6, 2022

Thank you for this information. I have seen a shaman use a merkaba shape while performing a healing on a woman. He told her: " my guides showed me the shape in a dream and told me to use it during healings." He had created a merkaba shape out of some type of conductive metal and he placed his clients inside it. I was just watching the healing and I felt as if the energy was very powerful.

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