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Herkimer Diamond Quartz Crystals - Hard Rock Mining

We wanted to share some pics from one of our independent miners who supplies us with many of our jewelry grade crystals. Frank has been mining for years and is a master of his craft. The hard work and determination that go into hand mining some of the hardest rock in the world is demanding, and rewarding if you persist and know what you are doing. We are very thankful for his hard work and the beautiful crystals that IVC gets to share with the world. Enjoy!

You can see all of our available Herks here

herkimer diamond quartz crystals innervisionherkimer diamond quartz crystals innervisionherkimer diamond quartz crystals innervisionherkimer diamond quartz crystals innervision

herkimer diamond quartz crystals innervisionherkimer diamond quartz crystals innervisionherkimer diamond quartz crystals innervisionherkimer diamond quartz crystals innervision


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