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How do I know your Moldavite is real?

This is a question we get a lot.

InnerVision Crystals is one of the most trusted & well known stores in the Moldavite World. Since 2006 we have worked closely with our Partners in Czech Republic to source the best stones available. All of our Moldavite comes with a company COA & are 100% Guaranteed by IVC.

I am Mike Eggleston, the President & founder of IVC. I am one of the leading experts in the world on Moldavite, especially when it comes to spotting the fakes coming out of Asia & India. I have also provided info on the Metaphysical aspects and about the fakes all over the internet as well as for the book our friends wrote. My wife, Alicyn Eggleston, edited and arranged the English translation for the book - Moldavite - Mysterious Tears from Heaven

Discovery Channels show "Ancient Aliens" has featured our stones in their Relics episode (SE06EP08) and we were just featured on the show Refresh Quest "Mysterious Moldavite" in June 2024 - (SE02EP01). We are well known by all the major Crystal Book Authors, Naisha Ahsian (Book of Stones), Judy Hall (The Crystal bible), Ashley Leavy (Love & Light school) and Nicholas Pearson (The Luminary Pearl) to name a few. 

Using the Link below, You can read & see all about the fakes, we have the longest running & top resource page about them, #1 on google - "How to spot fake Moldavite". We have tested a number of fakes here in NY at Colgate University for education purposes. I know the Department Chair of the Geology Dept, our kids are in the same class. Read more on this link, in depth information on Fake Moldavite

Please note - as far as a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) - anyone can print anything these days. We have seen fake Lab certifications on etsy and ebay for years. (No one certifies stones in bulk , it is not cost effective at all) We were the first US Company to make our small company COA cards. The key is finding a trusted vendor and educating yourself about Moldavite.


In the picture above you can see a text book example of the swirls of Lechatelierite, the fingerprints of nature. Something man can not imitate. Lechatelierite is Silica Glass aka Melted Quartz and other minerals that because of the way it was formed, does not have a crystalline structure.
Here are some examples of the fakes on the market

To see all our Collections & Stones, use the menu above. I Hope this helps with peace of mind.

Thank you!
Mike Eggleston
President / CEO
InnerVision Crystals
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