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October 2021 - Whats new at the Spaceship

Hi Everyone!

We will be adding some small Moldavite soon, single pieces & a few small wholesale lots. 

This has been a busy year at IVC & we are thankful for each and every one of YOU. 

We have built an amazing inventory, currently around 6000 hand selected crystals, stones & our jewelry line. It has been a wild ride, as we head into year 16 we take some time to pause & reflect.

We have not been to a major Gem show since Early 2020 in Tucson. We are working hard with our suppliers to continually stock from South America, Africa, Europe. Supply lines are messed up. Delays, Shipping is a nightmare compared to what it was post pandemic. Prices are increasing on everything from the mines, to the boxes we ship to you in. Yep, just like everything , everywhere, we are making the best of whats around. Doing our best to adapt & innovate to keep up with an ever changing world. 

Moldavite supplies have dwindled, few of us in the business have any serious reserves left. We hope in the next year or 2 something will change, but for now, we keep doing what we are able. 

We want to take a moment to say THANK YOU to all our vendors, miners, sources & clients around the world. We continue to cultivate amazing relationships & build new ones, its the only way any of this works. Hope you are all doing well & staying healthy.

The last couple of years has flipped the world upside down. We hope that in 2022, through hard work & raising of planetary consciousness we can begin to come to solutions as communities & a world. Keep the vibration HIGH! Peace, Love, Truth to ALL people. No Division. 

The annual End of Year Sale starts in November. Get ready!

New Crystals & stones coming soon. Have a great weekend!

Blessings & Thank you

Mike & The IVC family



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