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Spring Update from Mike

Hello Friends!

We tested using the codes for the first 2 months of 2017 before the Anniversary Sale. Long story short we have made the decision to go back to just running various discounts month to month as we always have for the last 10 years.

IVC always has the most competitive pricing, inventory and Free Shipping. Discounts will rotate every month on each collection - as they always have. And because it is such a huge expansion year for us here we will be running the best prices in the business continually, as we always do so the bigger discounts can be expected until we meet our goals here and move forward on some pretty big things!

We are going into 2017 with 2 employees who officially joined the team last year. Danielle & John are doing excellent jobs cataloging, photographing, listing all the amazing stones and helping with Social Media. Building a team to help keep things running smooth at the IVC Spaceship.

These Minerals will be 75% OFF until they are gone. I bought a VERY large lot of these amazing stones 2 years ago, but it turns out they do not sell as often as everything else, and having bought a house and expanding in other areas means liquidating certain inventory.... so it is time to blow them all out, these prices on the remaining material is BELOW COST. Enjoy those.

To all Wholesale & VIP Clients you can now book an appointment to come visit and pick out your stones in person. This is limited to certain conditions, there is no "show and tell" type visits, but for those elite shoppers who want to spend the time to choose the stones in person, you are welcome to schedule your visit.

Thank you again for your continued support, and if there is anything you need please do not hesitate to call or email me directly

Mike Eggleston

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