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A Guide to Moldavite

A Guide to Moldavite

(From our NEW Tumblr page)

What is a Tektite?
Moldavite is classified as a Tektite, or a natural impact glass. It comes from the Greek tektos, which means “molten” or “fused.” Basically, a meteoric impact produces pure silica molten glass (all soil impurities are burned away) because of the pressure and heat, and the cooling glass is launched by the force of the impact as it forms. It lands back on the ground as a hardened piece of silica glass.

What is Moldavite?
Moldavite (Vltavin) is a green Tektite found primarily in Czech Republic, and only very rarely in other parts of Central Europe. After the impact of the Ries Meteor, approx 14.8 million years ago. Moldavite literally rained from the sky across fields of Czech Republic, where it is now mined from the sandy soil. It’s known for being a high vibration metaphysical crystal and a tool in awakening consciousness, because of it’s partially “extraterrestrial” origins. Some people feel energy from Moldavite so powerfully, they can only wear it in small doses. 

So, what type of energy is associated with Moldavite?
Moldavite can help calm the mind for some, but for others, it speeds up intention and manifestation and must be used with care. It is best used during meditation, as one of it’s many spiritual uses is discovering inner truths. You may feel an awakening and an awareness of your own intention and power of manifestation, and may have powerful thoughts of “Why am I here?”, “Who am I?” or “What is my purpose here?” which is all very normal. Another effect you may notice is increased empathy, or perceiving feelings of others within yourself. This is important for anyone who does healing work, and Moldavite can be a great amplifier for that as well.

How do I know if my Moldavite is real?
Moldavite is usually sold in its raw natural free-form state, and has very distinct textures, patterns, waves, and bubbles, as you can see in the below photo, taken with a smartphone microscope looking at the surface texture of Moldavite. The colors range from deep green, to bright vibrant green, even olive colored and some have brownish hues, but if you see a piece of Moldavite and you don’t trust the color, hold it up to the light and look for waves, bubbles, or other irregular textures that may be authentic. Some fakes may look very real, and if you ever personally have a question about a specific piece of Moldavite’s authenticity, contact with some photos and we will try to help you figure it out! The popularity of Moldavite has grown as people are becoming more conscious and spiritually aware, and it’s important to buy Moldavite from trusted sources whenever possible.


Check out the largest online Moldavite Collection here!

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